
Wealth advisors used to comb through client intake documentation manually.

Now they can use LEA – the only way to turn piles of digital paper into investment proposal data, account opening information, and financial planning inputs in minutes.

Key Features

Flexible data import
Connect Box or Google Drive to seamlessly import client statements and documents. Or simply upload files directly from your desktop—no extra steps needed.
Automatic document classification and re-naming
As soon as clients submit their intake information, LEA automatically classifies and renames each file, making it easy to find exactly what you need.
Instant document vault organization
Link your document vault (e.g., Box or Google Drive) and let LEA reorganize and rename your clients’ files without any manual downloading or renaming.
Account and brokerage statement data extraction
Access critical statement data for proposals and analysis in minutes—not days—keeping you and your investment team ready to act.
Client profile data population - with you in control
Get all the data you and your operations team need to open new client accounts instantly. Verify accuracy and preferences before pushing data downstream to systems like Salesforce.

LEA is different from a throwing your documents at a generative AI portal or using off-the-shelf enterprise data extraction solutions. Our models are purpose-built for wealth advisors who are setting up new client relationships.

AI-powered notetakers and outbound marketing tools get you off the start line. But what do you do when a client (or 5!) shows up with a stack of information about their entire financial life? That's when it's time to get down to business.